Winter brings not just a drop in temperature but also the heightened risk of power outages. This is where the importance of having a backup generator becomes clear. In the face of harsh weather conditions, a reliable power source can be a literal lifesaver, providing heat, keeping essential appliances running, and ensuring that your home remains a safe and comfortable haven.

Why a Backup Generator is Crucial in Winter:

  • Maintaining Heat: The most obvious reason is to keep your heating systems operational. In freezing temperatures, the absence of heat can lead to dangerous situations like hypothermia.
  • Powering Essential Appliances: From refrigerators to medical equipment, many appliances need to stay powered to keep your household running smoothly and safely.
  • Preventing Pipe Freezing: A generator can help prevent your home's pipes from freezing and bursting by keeping the heating system active.
  • Safety and Comfort: During extended outages, a backup generator ensures that your home remains lit, warm, and secure.

Win a Free Backup Generator with Anderson Water Systems!

Recognizing the importance of backup power, Anderson Water Systems is offering a unique opportunity this Christmas. In remembrance of the blizzard last year, we are on a mission to donate a Cummins Automatic Backup Generator to one deserving family.

How to Enter:

Share Your Story: Visit Anderson Water Systems' Christmas page. There, you'll find a form where you can share your story, explaining why you deserve to win the generator. Just click the Santa hat!

Provide Your Details: Along with your story, you'll need to provide your name, phone number, email, and street address. Make sure to send in your entry by noon on Christmas Eve of 2023.


A Season of Giving and Preparedness

This giveaway isn't just a contest; it's a reminder of the spirit of the season and the importance of being prepared for winter's challenges. Whether you're entering the contest or considering investing in a backup generator, remember that staying powered through winter is about safety, comfort, and peace of mind. If you have any questions or want to schedule an appointment, Anderson Water can be reached by calling or texting us at 1-800-836-2509, or emailing through our secure contact page.